Policy on Pay Scale Equity
Including a commitment to measurement and elimination of gender pay gaps
Until now, Tashkent State Law University has implemented a number of measures to protect women's rights, increase their influence in society, and ensure equality in every field. In particular, a number of normative documents have been adopted at the university level to end wage inequality in society and to encourage women.
Key Policy Documents
1. Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Policy
📄 Download Policy Document -
2. Implementation of Gender Policy
📄 Download Implementation Guidelines -
3. Equal Rights of Workers Policy
📄 Download Workers' Rights Policy -
4. Non-Discrimination Policy
📄 Download Non-Discrimination Policy
Pay Scale Equity and Gender Equality Policy
V. Working Process
TSUL's aim is that equal salaries and equal terms of employment shall apply. In the systematic work for equal salaries, analysis of pay differences shall continue to be prioritised, subject to proactive measures and lead to action. The work to create equal terms of employment for the under-represented gender continues.
5.1. Salaries and Terms of Employment
- Salaries are set in accordance with the University's pay policy
- More women are employed as professors
- Fixed-term positions among the under-represented gender in particular are monitored
- Career planning is highlighted in staff appraisals
- The opportunities to combine parenthood and employment at TSUL are taken into consideration
VII. Improving Access to Resources and Services
Women's equal access to productive and financial resources is critical for their empowerment and sustainable and inclusive growth and development. TSUL will ensure that its programmes facilitate equitable access to financial and technical resources and services for all women, regardless of age, disability status, ethnicity, socio-economic status, geographical area or any other condition.
Implementation of Gender Policy
Pursuant to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Guarantees of Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men" adopted on September 2, 2019, the university has implemented measures to ensure effective implementation of gender equality principles.
Key Achievements:
- Additional 4% of places allocated for women within state grant admissions (Cabinet of Ministers Decision No. 402, June 23, 2020)
- 20 women admitted on additional state grants (University Rector Order No. 02-134, October 2, 2020)